Súťaž o školské pomôcky
Blíži sa začiatok šk. roka a my máme pre Vás súťaž, vďaka ktorej môžete získať školské pomôcky pre Vaše dieťa
How did it look in Prešov Východu?
Such personalities as Modus, Peter Bič Project, Metalinda, Beáta Dubasová, Martin Harich, Rakby, Ľudová hudba Stan Baláž, Gipsy Kings Revival took turns on the stage, and the event was moderated by Barbora Švidraňová and Binďo.
Between individual musical performances, we gave material and financial donations on stage in front of the audience. We handed over Bauer hockey equipment to the young hockey players, Adidas soccer balls were handed over to the children from the CFT Academy football academy by former Slovakian representative Stanislav Varga, and we handed over financial aid to the family of little Marko, which was used to cover medical costs.
We did not forget the children from socially weaker families, to whom we handed over school supplies, and we dedicated an experiential stay in Liptov to a family from Košice.
People could enjoy the event live.
Artists and artistic bodies came out.
We were able to support children and families at the event.
Sme nezisková organizácia, ktorá už 11 rokov cielene, kontrolovane a efektívne pomáha deťom na Slovensku. Vďaka podpore ľudí sme pomohli už 600 deťom z 30 okresov.