Súťaž o školské pomôcky
Blíži sa začiatok šk. roka a my máme pre Vás súťaž, vďaka ktorej môžete získať školské pomôcky pre Vaše dieťa
We enliven yards, streets and playgrounds. We regularly give gifts to children who like to kick the ball, all promising soccer players, or children who cannot afford to buy their favorite sports equipment.
Do you know of a family that would benefit from donating a soccer ball? Do you know a talented child who would be delighted with a donated ball? Write to us.
“As soon as the son got the ball in his hands, he ran outside and boasted to his friend. He always wanted a ball like this, now he has the motivation not to just sit at home.”
Sme nezisková organizácia, ktorá už 11 rokov cielene, kontrolovane a efektívne pomáha deťom na Slovensku. Vďaka podpore ľudí sme pomohli už 600 deťom z 30 okresov.