860 000 people 1
in Slovakia live in poverty
Among them are tens of thousands of children who got into these problems through no fault of their own and carry it throughout their lives, up to adulthood. Children who cannot develop their talents or children who die and suffer from treatable diseases are also included..
17.8% of children 2, that is, every fifth child in Slovakia lacks 3 out of 14 basic needs (leisure activities, birthday parties, shoes, fresh fruit, three meals a day, etc.).
6 out of 1000 children in Slovakia 3 do not live to see their first birthday. The growth of child poverty, the quality of life and the inequality of chances for treatment for everyone are also responsible for this situation.
23% of Slovak children between the ages of 4 and 6 4 do not go to preschool due to poverty, which results in problems with developing basic literacy.
Your help changed the lives of Marko, Matúš, Viktorko and Hanka

We have been supporting Mark since 2016. He was diagnosed with hemiparesis – a non-functional right side of the brain. Marko had to lie on the bed all his life. Today, he not only walks, but goes to school. Thanks to the support of good people, we contribute to his rehabilitation and other needs.

Matúš lives with his grandparents and his mother Monika. This clever boy drew and sent us his dream Christmas gifts. If you are expecting electronics or the latest bicycle, you are wrong. He drew toothpaste and school supplies. We also helped him with other needs.

Viktor was diagnosed with DMO, and underwent Ulzibat surgery several times. His combativeness makes us very happy, that’s why we contributed financially to his stay in the Renona rehabilitation facility in Semmering, and his condition is improving.

We were lucky enough to meet Hanka, a very talented dancer and musician. She is not only talented, but also very kind, hardworking, and above all, modest despite everything. We supported her by paying school fees at an art school, where she is still developing her talent.