Súťaž o školské pomôcky
Blíži sa začiatok šk. roka a my máme pre Vás súťaž, vďaka ktorej môžete získať školské pomôcky pre Vaše dieťa
In cooperation with HC Prešov and Prešov Penguins, we want to educate future Olympians. That is why we give the opportunity to try hockey training to children who would otherwise not be able to afford it.
We supported several children aged 4-8 years. Children who have never stood on the ice tried training under the guidance of a professional trainer, in professional equipment at a professional stadium.
“I like working with the PIEROTT organization very much, because we have the same goals in life, namely to attract as many children as possible to sports so that they are active.
We are a non-profit organization that has been providing targeted, controlled, and effective help to children in Slovakia for 11 years. Thanks to the support of people, we have already helped 600 children from 30 districts.