Súťaž o školské pomôcky
Blíži sa začiatok šk. roka a my máme pre Vás súťaž, vďaka ktorej môžete získať školské pomôcky pre Vaše dieťa
We decided to massively support the talent of children in Slovakia. To encourage them and make them little stars that will be seen by hundreds of thousands of people. That is why a nationwide multi-genre talent competition for children from 5 to 15 years of age was created.
Video trailers for the competition
All detailed information and videos of registered children, as well as the announcement of winners, can be found on the official page of the competition.
Video trailers for the competition
registered children
people saw the videos
Sme nezisková organizácia, ktorá už 11 rokov cielene, kontrolovane a efektívne pomáha deťom na Slovensku. Vďaka podpore ľudí sme pomohli už 600 deťom z 30 okresov.