Pierott Day 2021

Pierott Day 2021 1

An unforgettable day for all children and families – A summer tradition for our organization.

Pierott Day 2020

Pierott Day 2020 2

Pierott Day 2021 was, like every year, unforgettable for families and children. Fun, games, rewards, and competitions.

Pierott Day 2019

Pierott Day 2019 3

More than 1,000 children and parents attended Pierott Day 2019 and enjoyed the program at the rope park.

Pierott Day 2018

Pierott Day 2018 4

Slides, singing and sports competitions: The fifth edition of the family festival

Pierott Day 2017

Pierott Day 2017 5

Trampolines, obstacle course, raffle, Gipsy Kings Revival, and Komajota Made for an Unforgettable day.

Pierott Day 2016

Pierott Day 2016 6

A rich day full of cultural program, prize giving, and fun games for children and adults

Pierott Day 2015

Pierott Day 2015 7

Hundreds of visitors gathered to celebrate a pleasant summer day filled with competitions, singing, and dancing.

Pierott Day 2014

Pierott Day 2014 8

The first edition offered not only pony rides, karaoke, and singing performances but also plenty of games for the whole family.

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