Help for diagnosed children

We lend a helping hand to those whose progress in an adverse health condition can be tracked.

How do we help?


We provide therapeutic therapies, medical procedures, rehabilitation, medicines and medical supplies for diagnosed children.


We donate medical aids, devices and specific devices to help sick or disabled children.

By networking

We connect children who need help in the field of health, exercise and regeneration with donors who are willing to give them their time.
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Your help changed the lives of Marko, Dominika, Viktorko and Veronika

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We have been supporting Marko since 2016. He was diagnosed with hemiparesis – a non-functional right side of the brain. Marko had to lie on the bed all his life. Today, he not only walks, but goes to school. Thanks to the support of good people, we contribute to his rehabilitation and other needs.

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Dominika had the opportunity to complete a medical stay in the High Tatras. Since she depends on her mother’s help, she needed to go with her on this stay. Financially, however, they could no longer afford her mother’s stay. A little financial help from us made it possible for them to go together.

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Viktor was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and underwent Ulzibat surgery several times. His combativeness makes us very happy, that’s why we contributed financially to his stay in the Renona rehabilitation facility in Semmering, and his condition is improving.

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We gratefully supported Mrs. Jarmila and her daughter Veronika with a difficult diagnosis. We received a beautiful thank-you email from her mother, including photos of the smiling little girl: “My daughter Veronika and I want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your help. You have helped us a lot!”

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