Súťaž o školské pomôcky
Blíži sa začiatok šk. roka a my máme pre Vás súťaž, vďaka ktorej môžete získať školské pomôcky pre Vaše dieťa
In the crisis period of the global pandemic, we launched an appeal to help children from single-parent families, families living in an existential crisis and the elderly.
Through financial donations, we bought and delivered basic food, vitamins, hygiene aids and aids to cheer up and educate children.
Households received help
The children received help
Donors got involved
You can read more about the whole initiative It will be good in our article.
We are a non-profit organization that has been providing targeted, controlled, and effective help to children in Slovakia for 11 years. Thanks to the support of people, we have already helped 600 children from 30 districts.