
Introducing Patrik, a Young Hockey Talent We Support

Hockey is a very popular sport in Slovakia. However, there are still talented kids who cannot afford membership in a hockey team, equipment, or regular training sessions. That’s why at Pierott, n.o., we constantly strive to support young hockey hopefuls to ensure that this sport develops in the right direction in Slovakia and that skilled, passionate players continue to emerge. We organize recruitment for hockey training programs and purchase essential professional gear for kids to minimize expenses for parents.

Patrik Deserves Our Support

In a similar way, we decided to support young Patrik Baláž, a member of the HC Prešov hockey club. Patrik is from Prešov, is 14 years old, and has been playing hockey since he was five. Sports take up almost all his free time. As a preschooler, he briefly played football and recently played street hockey, but now he is focused entirely on hockey and improving his skills. He trains every day of the week, and Saturdays mean a serious game for Patrik’s team, where he can measure his skills against hockey players from other Slovak cities.

Currently, Patrik plays as a left defenseman and acknowledges that he plays very well with HC Prešov. His team is currently in first place in the standings. He takes criticism seriously and isn’t afraid to admit that there’s always room for improvement. The collaboration between his team and the Czech-Slovak Army Elementary School in Prešov, which Patrik and most of his teammates attend, also contributes to the success of the hockey team. They have created a so-called hockey class where the school schedule aligns with the training timetable, allowing players to receive a quality education while also having enough time for training and leisure.

Family Support is Fundamental

Patrik doesn’t have to worry about family support. His father is also a hockey player and currently a pre-training coach. Similarly, Patrik’s grandfather was once a respected hockey player, indicating that his path to hockey was quite natural. Patrik humbly admits that his dreams are supported by his mother, who can also envision him playing at a professional level. The young hockey player, however, does not forget about his education. He plans to attend university in the future while actively pursuing hockey.

Patrik’s hockey idol is Alexandr Ovechkin, who plays for the Washington Capitals. He dreams of participating in an NHL game, which he once managed to do in Prague.

Introducing Patrik, a Young Hockey Talent We Support 6

We spoke with Patrik’s father, Mr. Baláž, a coach of young hockey players, about children and hockey.

Your father was a hockey player, so you were guided to pursue hockey from a young age?

Yes, I started skating around the age of three.

Where have you played hockey?

In the first league, in Bardejov, Trebišov, and Prešov.

Who do you train in Prešov?

I train the very youngest—preschoolers, first and second graders, and a few third graders.

How do you think children are trained in Prešov?

Working with children is interesting. The conditions aren’t ideal, but we strive to give them as much as possible. We have about 63 preschoolers and first graders in one group, but not all of them come to practice; the average attendance per training session is around 35 kids. In the older group with second graders, we have about 30 kids, but there are also younger, more skilled children who we allow to progress faster.

How do the children feel about training?

Since we have an extraleague in Prešov, there’s been a “hockey boom”; everyone wants their child to play hockey. I believe every child wants to, but some days are better than others. Thanks to the parents who are dedicated and don’t mind early mornings, allowing their children to be on the ice. It’s challenging today because parents often work from morning until evening. However, they still find time, even on Saturdays, to bring their kids to the rink.

What do you think is the biggest motivation for children?

The motivation is to play hockey at the end of practice! ☺

How do you see children’s interest in hockey over the years—has it increased or decreased?

It has definitely increased, which is great. We’re also looking into conducting some selection processes, not just recruitment. So there’s definitely interest. If we had better conditions, we would welcome a training hall, possibly connected to the ice rink or the Czech-Slovak Army School, so the kids could walk over in their slippers to change and train.

You train children and have a hockey-playing son—how do you view the financial aspect of hockey? Is it challenging for parents to provide equipment? Or do you have some gear available for loan?

We have some starter packages at the club, which include pads, helmets, and gloves. Not every child gets them because we don’t have enough sets for everyone. So it’s first come, first served. At the end of the season, the sets are returned, and parents can borrow them again for the next season. It’s definitely challenging, but I think hockey isn’t the most expensive sport financially. It’s not the tip of the iceberg when it comes to expenses.

What does it mean to have a hockey player in the family?

Since I played hockey myself, I know what it entails, and I believe it will give him a lot in the future. He will learn to fit into a team, behave within that environment, and develop discipline, which is often lacking in children who do not play sports.

What is the current state of Slovak hockey, and how do you see its future?

I would sum it up by saying we’re doing miracles. Given the conditions we have and that we are in the A category of the World Championships, these are incredible feats. Every club faces financial and material problems, yet we can still compete at the top level. Currently, things are looking good; I believe we are headed in the right direction, as shown by the young players who participated in the Under-20 World Championships.

Where do you see Patrik in the future?

I hope his dreams come true, and from our conversations at home, I know he wants to play professional men’s hockey. Ultimately, it’s up to him. If he wants to achieve something, he must work hard, and it’s not just about what he does in practice but also what he does at home. I will be glad if he stays healthy, and the future will show. Even if he doesn’t become a hockey player, what’s important is that he becomes a reliable and responsible person.

Introducing Patrik, a Young Hockey Talent We Support 7

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