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Thanks to supporters, Marko is making great progress during his rehabilitation stay.

In the spring, we brought you an interview with Marko’s mother, who informed us about the challenging times and limited opportunities during the pandemic year.

The main issue was traveling outside the district. Various movement restrictions made it very difficult for children like Marko to attend rehabilitation stays.

But it worked out.

This summer, Marko urgently needed to attend a rehabilitation stay, which he ultimately achieved.

Marko attended a program at the Axis Medical Center in Piešťany, which significantly helped him after the strenuous months at home.

Marko’s greetings.

We are very happy that Marko enjoyed his stay and remembered us during his exercises. Proof of this is the postcard with his handwritten greeting that we found in our mailbox. It is dedicated not only to us but to everyone who contributed to his stay. Thank you.

Marko’s mother thanks everyone who decided to help, enabling Marko to participate in the program.

“Thank you! Without your help, I don’t know how we would have given him this opportunity. The path we must take is winding and has its bumps, but having friends and a helping hand along the way is the best thing that could happen to us. So thank you for sometimes carrying us a little…”

If you would like to support Marko, you can do so by sending any amount to the account number of the non-profit organization PIEROTT:

SK52 1100 0000 0029 2491 3415

Please use the variable symbol: 1111

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